Silk sheets are wonderful items to have on your bed. They are soft and smooth and lying on them makes a person feel wonderful. Since sheets are used for your bed all year round, it is important to choose the right color for your sheets. Two popular color choices for women and children are purple and pink silk sheets.
The color purple is often associated with royalty. It is also the color that people use for spirituality and meditation. Purple is a peaceful color, but it also conveys a sense of magic and mystery as well. Purple silk sheets are great for those who have a darker headboard and bed frame. It can also balance out those with a white bed frame.
Purple silk sheets are a great choice for your little girls. Purple is a much more neutral color than pink. It is feminine, but in a much more subtle way. Many children's characters are purple or wear purple outfits. Purple will easily match other décor in her room, especially if you've gone with more neutral tones like yellows and greens. Look for lavender silk sheets for your little girl. Lavender is a little lighter than purple and will brighten up the room more.
For women, silk sheets are a great luxury. They will accent the room well and you can choose many other colors to balance it out. Purple can be matched with strong oranges or greens. Additionally, having purple in the bedroom will help you feel a sense of peace. Since your bed is where you want to sleep and relax, purple sheets will definitely help to do the trick.
Pink is a very feminine color. In some cultures, pink represents little girls. Therefore, pink silk sheets can be the ideal thing for your little girl or baby. The sheen of pink is perfect since it is very neutral. It allows you to decorate the baby or little girl room in many other colors. Some little girls will naturally gravitate towards pink.
Pink is also a calming color since it is so close to white. It is used for relaxation, acceptance and love. Most pink silk sheets come in the soft, light pink shade versus the magenta pink shade. Stay away from the magenta shade unless you love that color. It is a bit overwhelming. The light pink shade is perfect for any room. It allows you to decorate the room in lighter spring colors. It also gives a sense of serenity and a feeling of things being clean. It is a great alternative to white sheets since it adds a little bit of color to a room.
Whether you choose purple or pink sheets is up to you. Both colors are fantastic and the shimmer of the silk sheets will help to enhance your bedroom and décor.
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